Gianaclis Caldwell – Pholia Farm

Gianaclis Caldwell
Gianaclis Caldwell
Holistic Goat Care
Holistic Goat Care

Some people are just experts in the subjects they excel in.

Others are experts with a joy for helping others and learning from those they interact with.

Tune into this podcast and checkout some of the links below, and it won’t take long to get an impression that Gianaclis is the latter.

Now, I could spend time talking about her love for Nigerian Dwarf Goats here.

Or perhaps her extensive knowledge in Cheesemaking.

Possibly even her 6 nonfiction books or her ventures into fiction writing.

Maybe you’d even like me to spill the beans on her thoughts on speaking and teaching classes?

Well I’m not going to do that, no, not at all.

But if you want to know more about the subjects we cover in this episode, please checkout the links below, because Gianaclis is someone you’ll want to follow and learn from!

Checkout Gianaclis’s books, future classes, consults and more at her website and Facebook page –

For more about Pholia Farm –


Brian: Oregon native Gianaclis Caldwell grew up milking cows, but was lowered to the goat side where she remains a committed devotee. She was a commercial cheesemaker at the Caldwell Off Grid Dairy Pholia Farm for over 10 years.

She now milks her Nigerian dwarf goats just for pleasure. In between writing books in which he has six, speaking, and judging cheese, which she considers the most fun.

Gianaclis Caldwell, welcome to The Off The Grid Biz Podcast.

Gianaclis: Well, thank you, Brian. Thanks for having me.

Brian: Yeah, so why don’t you tell us a little bit about what it is that you do on a regular basis?

Gianaclis: Oh, gosh, it sure varies from day to day. And I was just talking to my mother about people who are drawn to this kind of life really have to be nonlinear, because you just can’t really schedule your day or your week sometimes with animals and farm life and that sort of thing.

So still milking the goats, you were very correct and I do it for pleasure, love having them can just working with the animals. We’ve been breeding the Nigerians now since 2003, and have developed a good name for the breed or as a breeder, I should say, of Nigerian dwarfs. Particularly for strong, long milking animals and with good milk production for that breed.

And that’s, that’s something that’s hard to imagine. And we’re getting older now, of course, as we all do. But it’s difficult to imagine giving up but that process of working on a breed and all those those genetics and all those improvements, and of course, there’s this addiction that every goat person will confess to.

I think about waiting for those babies to come every year. And goat babies are there’s a good reason that they’re all over YouTube and such.

They’re they’re so appealing, and they pretty much stay that way as adults.

So we work our local farm is mostly a pleasure farm now, we do Airbnb with a couple of farms days we have, and that keeps us busy also, but it’s a great income stream for the farm supplement a lot of the feed bills and that sort of thing.

And then working on books, which you said correctly, six nonfiction books and now I’m switching to what was originally my first passion which is trying to and I say that because I want to be humble about this, I write fiction.

And then we also are caring for elderly parents and current with all of that and that’s a wonderful thing to be a part of that certainly is a ongoing team team. Source of activity for us.

Brian: Absolutely.

What drew you to go after work in on a dairy?

Gianaclis: Well, it was a family dairy here growing up so wasn’t a commercial dairy.

But I had been dairy cattle for each leader and just always loved cows and had that typical kind of superior complex that dairy cow people have over goats. And that our youngest daughter was six or seven at the time and she wanted to get be a part of the livestock project.

I was just ready to get a cow again, got to a point in were my husband’s Marine Corps career and our property where we could have a milk animal. Our daughter was too small to handle a cow and I thought, well, maybe I should consider goats.

And so we got a couple of these Nigerian dwarfs because they’re so small that it’s easy for a child to handle and I just assumed it would be, you know, nice thing but fell in love with them.

They’re so much more interactive than a cow is and a little bit more trouble in some ways because they’re such thinkers that they’re so easy on the land and the biggest thing I like about working with them when no milking is they don’t have that long tail to smack you in the face with.

Brian: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Yeah.

Gianaclis: Oh and the fact that the manure isn’t floppy wet all over the place.

Brian: I grew up around cattle also so yeah, I get it. lol

Gianaclis: Dairy cattle or beef?

Brian: Mostly beef.

Gianaclis: Beef. Yeah, yeah. I still love cows that they are definitely a different, different mindset for them and they can afford to be that way when they’re so big, smaller the animal typically the more they have to think their way out of situations and bullying.

Brian: Yeah, absolutely, that’s great.

What led you to jump into kind of the public arena and becoming a public figure and doing writing and everything else?

Gianaclis: When we moved when Vern, my husband was getting ready to retire from the military. We were down in Southern California and we knew we could come back to this piece of the family land that my was left on.

My parents started by 220 acres when they were in high school here in Southern Oregon, back in the 40s. And this piece of it was going to be going to me eventually.

And it didn’t have any power on it yet and just was, it had a large cleared area and it was the early 2000s then and right about when you were starting to hear a lot about goat cheese and small farms and Creameries and I’d already been making cheese at that point and really, really loved the process.

I love processes where it’s a merger of science and art.

We were some things are under your control, some things aren’t and it’s ever changing.

So I very much enjoyed the cheesemaking and we thought about the farmstead creamery and fell into that that little romantic crevice that many people still do. Which isn’t a bad thing, but it being a such a romantic thing to do, and a way to come back to this land and be closer to our parents.

And all that was true. It was great, really loved the whole process.

It was all consuming, though.

At that point, when we decided to move back here, I’d been doing fine art for many years. And that was my focus of what I did. I did have solo shows and just loved thinking art. And I had this idea that I would still be able to do that.

It rapidly became evident that I took the time to make art, I would be taking away from work that needs to be done here at the farm. And somebody else would have to do that. I couldn’t feel comfortable with that.

Writing, nonfiction. When it became obvious that after we got started, there were many people out there that wanted that knowledge how to get started in a small scale creamery, and how could they do it and you start getting calls and emails and people wanting your time.

I thought all maybe this would be a good opportunity to try to write a book, write a book, take the time to do that it would be a resource for people, then I would learn a lot.

And it would just be something that meshed in with what we were doing. I wrote a proposal and it was picked up by Chelsea Green, which has been one of my main publishers, and I love them and what they do.

And that just became an addictive process because as with cheesemaking, it’s a process by the research, there’s a lot of growing as far as having people read and criticize and taking those criticisms to heart as like thank you for telling me that these pants make my rear end look big.

You know, you really have to want to be open.

And I gained as much as anybody from writing and every time I try to write it’s that same thing again. So it just kind of fell into that. And then we were members from the beginning of the American cheese society, co-founders of the Oregon Cheese Guild in 2005, or six when it got started. Then became more involved in, I won’t say the politics of cheese, but the bigger world of cheese.

Vern, my husband, is currently finishing up his last year as a board member of the American Cheese Society and once I stopped being a commercial cheesemaker, and I was able to be a chief judge or judge at competitions, without there being any conflict of interest.

And that’s been a wonderful, challenging, exciting and delicious thing to do.

You know, so it just kind of happened organically over that period of time. And I love that about life. Sometimes you follow one thing and if you just try to do it well, it usually leads to something else that you never would have never anticipated and got to go with it.

Brian: No, that’s a great philosophy.

How did you fall into doing speaking? Was that after writing your book? Or how did that come about?

Gianaclis: Well, I’ve always liked to teach. And I think that I was aware of that. Once I wanted to become a 4-H leader even, you don’t have to know much. And this may sound like, I don’t believe you should know should know much. But there’s always something you can share or teach to somebody just beneath you in their knowledge.

During and by sharing, you learn.

People ask you questions, and if you’re humble, you say, I don’t know, but I’m going to find out and you learn and you learn and you learn.

So I think teaching, speaking is a way to make your brain keep working. And to see the enthusiasm of others is very, few will view your own work. You know, seeing what you’re doing through others. That passion that you once felt about something, it rekindled it so it I kind of feed off of that.

I’m not a social person at all. But I do love teaching, speaking. Parties, I’m not that good unless it’s a cheese party and I’m teaching.

Brian: So did someone ask you to speak the first time or did you seek it out? How did that happen?

Gianaclis: Well, if you mean speaking at larger events that definitely coincided in my memory anyway, to the when you write a book. That’s something you really are signing on for when you write a an instructional nonfiction.

And even if you wrote fiction, you’d be expected to speak, although it’s usually in a smaller venue.

So I think if you’re not ready to sign on for that, it’s unlikely that no matter how good your idea for a book is, a publisher is going to feel like you’re not being part of a team.

So being part of the team for promoting your book involves that.

Brian: Absolutely, absolutely.

So that came along with your deal with Chelsea Green?

Gianaclis: Yes, I believe so I honestly haven’t thought about it and I don’t tend to remember or pay attention to try and remember all the things that have happened along the way.

But yeah, I was teaching before then and, you know, working as artists in residence at a school and in talking to the kids and things, but not speaking, as far as larger venues go.

Brian: Describe the type of person that was interested in the same topics that you were interested in the ones that would get involved and purchase your books and maybe you became friends with along the way, what type of person would that be?

Gianaclis: Well, there’s quite a spectrum from people now that I have six different topics or six topics that cover different areas.

You know, from people who just want to learn more about making cheese to people who are tastemakers that want to try to perfect their craft And then of course, on the business side, people who are thinking about doing this as a business. There’s definitely a lack of information that’s easy to find.

I knew that from trying to find it myself.

One of the more recent books on goat care and know how to approach a whole herd management from a holistic standpoint, which includes everything from herbal to traditional, but there I used to be a nurse.

I was a nurse first and that the LPN LVN. But when you’re a nurse, you learn to assess systems and you look at what you can interpret from the health and health symptoms present in a patient.

So you do that as a herd manager to you should be anyway, observing for changes in that homeostasis that indicates animals taking care of itself. So helping people to learn to look at their herd, that way is what that book is focused on.

And then what to do when it’s not going well, which every go owner stacks up a lot of information about that. And I definitely, always count on tapping into other people’s knowledge.

For any subject I try to write about or speak out and there’s for as much as you learn a lot goes out the other side of your brain to or isn’t accessible anyway in the moment.

That’s right thinking we got to always try to stay humble or otherwise you’re gonna get smacked upside the head by karma and the universe.

Brian: Absolutely.

What do you like best about your industry in your career as a whole?

Gianaclis: The cheese and food in general in the industry, but the small scale cheese and even some of the mid to large scale producers, it’s such a small worlds that it was, it was so embracing and still is for the most part. new people coming into it that you felt immediately part of this community.

And this is on the cheesemaking side of it.

Not that I’m mentioning right now. It was just so welcoming and so supportive and Oregon here where we are in particular, the guild is just, you know, no one is worried about competition.

There are a few that are, but for the most part, people are like, Yeah, get on board.

The more the merrier.

It’s a win win for everybody, and supportive and that’s, that’s wonderful. And then you bring in the fact that you’re talking about making something that other people love.

That’s one thing I found really gratifying compared to doing artwork, artwork you’re doing usually from yourself, it’s sharing some inner part of yourself. And that’s a very vulnerable thing to do, and isn’t always very gratifying and there’s nothing wrong with that.

But when I switch making cheese or when cheesemaking took over my life. It was so gratifying.

You know that have people try this thing and find out, you know, have their eyes light up and that they never knew goat cheese could taste like that and just super gratifying.

So that’s been been a really wonderful part of it too.

Brian: And why do you think that is, that distinction between those two worlds?

Gianaclis: Which the cheesemaking and art?

Brian: Yeah, between cheesemaking and art? Why is one more gratifying, do you think?

Gianaclis: Well, we all got to eat right and there’s really no, you know, that old saying now that quickly to someone we to be man part through their mouth and or through their stomach, that the quickest way to I think it really is true.

If people like to eat and there are very few people who don’t.

It’s a way to make a connection pretty faster than art is.

And the same way when it now that I’m going to suspect the fictions that will be more like art. As far as no matter how good of a book you write, there will be people that hate it. And they will.

But I guess that was true with the cheese a bit too you know you people who think they don’t want goats and have it stuck in their head that much less so food is an instant connection.

And this is why families gather for meals is why people are missing going to restaurants right now during the pandemic and just having that social thing centering around food.

Brian: It’s a great point is it since you bring it up, but how has COVID affected your life and in this this lifestyle that you’ve kind of chosen?

Gianaclis: Well, gosh, it’s interesting because if we had still been commercial tastemakers, it would have affected it much more greatly.

But the fact that we had already stopped it really hit us the most through the loss of Airbnb or pharmacy income. Oh yeah, yeah, cuz we shut that completely down until the first of July. And that was, it was definitely a tough period in that regard.

But, you know, another thing to the universe that also coincided I bought, all by speaking events were stopped also, classes are canceled. So that whole income stream went away also and gratifications stream if you will, was dried up.

But it coincided with our my husband’s parents, and my mother needing extreme amounts of our time is actually a wonderful time to have all that extra time if you will, to focus on something else. So it all worked out fine.

And we’ve opened up the Airbnb now with a lot of stipulations on masks and distancing and rules for contact, as well as how we take care of the space.

In between guests and now that most people are accustomed to doing those things, and it’s not new news to them, it’s going along very well.

Brian: Oh, good. Well, I met so much of that’s necessary right now.

How many guests can you accommodate at one time?

Gianaclis: We have two farmstays, but we’ve only opened one up for the season, because we felt that that was the best approach to keep the interaction between guests down.

So if we had one step that you know, wanted to be in a shared space, because there are certain parts of the barn that are shared spaces, that it wouldn’t overlap and make it anybody so awkward.

But we had an old Airstream trailer that we fixed up and three to four people can stay in that and that’s the one that’s open right now. And then the other ones a little little tiny building that we call the bunk callus that is has a justice two people capacity.

So it’s not like an inn by any means.

Brian: Oh, absolutely. Well, that’s really cool. I mean, and you have a variety that you’ve gone through just the past few years your life, it’s just..

Gianaclis: Yeah.

Brian: It’s such a great mix that’s cool.

Gianaclis: Yeah, you know, I’ve always felt even when I was young, or maybe in my late teens, I started feeling like life is really short.

And you got to get going, you know, if you’ve got something you want to do you better get started. And not wait.

You know, not dive in recklessly. But don’t keep waiting until you think you’re ready. Because if you do, you’ll be waiting forever, pretty much.

And Vern, my husband. He’s also very malleable that way. We always felt like if something’s not working well, in regard to…I’ll give you the example, being the cheese production, I still love making cheese and I miss making cheese commercially and selling it and then seeing people eat it, but it was not the right time to continue it.

We’d lost, or not lost, but our our children, adult children and moved away. And so that element of help went away.

And I was doing more and more traveling for the books and I really enjoyed that.

Then physically just getting older faster than you thought, were that sort of physical work of keeping up with everything help the number of goats I needed to manage.

Then I was the main cheese maker, also. The main goat care and the main cheese maker. It just becomes too much.

So I know let’s sit down and we’ve talked about what in our life couldn’t give what doing are we not ready to give up?

But what could we do without and probably be okay and then move forward from there. I miss making art, you know, I miss riding horses. I’m of that age where I don’t want to get broken.

So as much as I missed them, it would be really silly to start that up again. That’s how it is.

I think we’re kind of meant to enjoy things and parts of life, whether it’s when our children are really little, and then remember it and realize that you can’t have and do everything at once. That’s the way it goes.

Brian: No, that’s a great point.

So if we want to talk in like a year, let’s get you back on the show or something like that.

We look back over the last 12 months, oh boy, and just looked at where you’ve been what you’ve done.

What would you say would have had to have happen for you to feel happy about what you’ve accomplished?

Gianaclis: Well see now if I had an answer for that, I would be breaking my own philosophy, wouldn’t I?

Because I think, you know, if I’m really gonna follow what I said, it’s that I don’t know. I’m just trying to make good decisions now.

And I could fantasize you want my fantasy version?

Brian: Sure, let’s hear it.

Gianaclis: Okay, my fantasy version is that an agent decided my manuscript for this novel is just fantastic. And she’s going to shop it around and let’s see, our parents are all stable, and we’ve bought an RV. And we’re traveling to places and beautiful parks in the US that I’ve never seen. There you go.

Brian: Oh, that’s good.

Gianaclis: Oh and somebody moved into the farm to care for the goats because I don’t want to give them up either.

Brian: So how many goats do you have?

Gianaclis: We’re down, I’m down to milking only about seven. And then there are a number of goats and retired goats. So I think it’s only around 20 or so now, like at the peak, I milked 40, because you need to need a decent amount of milk to to make cheese and make it fairly efficiently.

So that, you know, you’re probably trying to get in the picture and because we live off the power grid, managing that system means that leaving this place if we leave for a few days.

Somebody’s got to be here to understand how to read all that and how to make sure that it seems cared for properly. We really have tied ourselves down.

And thank goodness, we really love this piece of land and love our place. But it does make that little fantasy I just shared a little bit implausible.

Brian: Sure, sure.

So what advice would you have for other people that are adventure seekers like you or I don’t know. how would you define yourself? First off, what would you call yourself?

Gianaclis: I don’t know. Farm girl, I guess. Yeah.

Brian: I think that’s a common thing that we see with both guests we’ve had on the show and yeah, listen, that they don’t really they do so many different things and go in so many different directions. They couldn’t just label themselves with one thing.

Gianaclis: Yeah, and if you are running a farm or a small piece of property, you do have to be a jack of all trades and to be able to fix things and he grew up like I did without money as a resource. You learn to make your brain your resource and you learn.

When we were first starting to do our own construction and plumbing and electrical. I thought I had to hire somebody. And then I realized, well, I can’t afford that. Hmm.

Do you think maybe I could learn it. And that was even in the days before YouTube that you go buy a couple books. And you read and you pay attention and you realize, well, that’s how everybody gets to be a master of something, they just study and practice.

So why not do that on your own stuff, and it’s definitely been, and that’s something we also love to do. We love to remodel houses, and it’s just so many things to do.

I feel very blessed and lucky that there are those things to do and that you know, despite how crazy the world is right now and has been off and on since we moved out of the trees and into the rest of the continent.

You know, there’s also lots of things to always be grateful for, and to try to focus on as positive.

Brian: That’s great. Yeah, absolutely.

Are there any other questions by then that that you’d like to answer?

Gianaclis: Oh, I don’t think so. I slipped up things about being off the power grid in there. And, and that’s something to people. Yeah, I guess I’ll speak a little bit about that for a second that for people who aren’t off the grid, that also sounds very romantic.

And I think it’s something we try to with our guests and anybody that comes to look at our system, ground people in the fact that first if you’re trying to be green for the planet sake, getting renewable energy and being grid tie is better for the planet.

So don’t think that we’re these wonderful examples of how everybody should be in that regard. But it also is a it’s another job.

Living like this, and it’s one we’ve adapted to and really appreciate as far as you don’t have a credit card for power, you only have a bank account and that bank account is filled by the sun and micro hydro we had and then in the worst cases a generator.

You can’t stand it just by plugging in. You know, you’ve got to think and I like that way of living for the most part.

But then again, I’d love to have a hot tub so that’s another fantasy is to live somewhere where we can, we can just plug in. So be conscientious that it’s easy to spend your life as a role model for how everybody should do it. But that’s not true.

And that’s not honest.

And I want people to understand that too, that they shouldn’t avoid doing something because it sounds hard, but they also should boot camps approach it from either side, the romantic side or that’s going to be too hard. somewhere in the middle is is the truth.

Brian: Absolutely. That’s great.

What can a listener do that wants to be able to follow your exploits online or be able to find some of your books or anything else?

Gianaclis: Yes, well we fully a farm has a website, I have a website slash blog, which is my name

Then we have the Facebook pages for both myself and the farm.

And I do my best to keep up on Instagram. But it’s for myself and for the farm so they’re all those three people can find email links from that and and message as the books of course are on all the usual online sites.

And through the publishers and I’m sure in a few stores to immigration one is a yogurt and keeper making book published by Storey which is probably will be the most visually appealing of the six.

So thanks to Storey’s, great work. It’s called, Homemade Yogurt and Keefer.

So, if you’re looking for some probiotics, including those in your life, hopefully that book will help.

Brian: That’s fabulous.

And what if someone would like to would like to come and stay on your farm at Airbnb?

How would they look that up?

Gianaclis: Yes, they can certainly look on Airbnb. And we’ve been doing this for long enough now I think about nine years that our listing comes up pretty, pretty high on the rankings.

So it should show up but it’s are also links on our on the Phila Farm website (

So you can you can take a look at them there and if you can’t find it on Airbnb, we love having guests here. It’s been another one of those things where, as I said earlier, you start seeing what you’re doing to other people’s eyes.

So you can share a bit of that spark with somebody else and have them fall in love with goats or the fresh air and the beautiful stars, learn a little bit about the power consumption.

So when they leave, maybe they think more about it.

It’s nice for us, makes us feel good about what we’re doing.

And the income is helpful as well.

Brian: That’s awesome. Thanks so much for being on the show. Gianaclis.

Gianaclis: Yeah Brian, thank you.

Brian: Thank you for being on The Off The Grid Biz Podcast.

Brian’s Closing Thoughts: Was a really cool conversation with Giannaclis. I really had a good time. She reminds me of a quote that a friend of mine always uses a line from Helen Keller, which says, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”

And it seems that’s Gianaclis’s life, it’s just a constant adventure. She’s just going from one concept to the other. And, the way she talks about, it seems like no big deal. But if you actually think about all these different steps, and all these things that she’s done, she’s done so many things that people go their whole life without ever doing.

But those things that people are always interested in doing. Like she said, there’s romance behind so many of these ideas, when you get down into them, they tend to get a little bit dirty and a little bit messy.

But at least she went out and did them. It’s really cool.

There’s a couple things that she said that I want to point out.

One is that food is an entryway. That it’s quicker to get to a person’s basically to get to a person’s desires than through art, getting through via the stomach, you know, and reaching them that way. That was very interesting.

I’ve never quite heard it put that way, though. I’ve known a lot of artists that we’re also into the culinary arts. That was interesting.

I like her perspective of being a creative person in kind of an entrepreneurial role. And doing these projects over and over.

Each one is like a little art project for her. And it’s very cool to think about it in those in those ways.

I also like that she hasn’t held herself to labels, you know, she’s not just a cheesemaker, or a dairy person, or a, an Airbnb person. You know, she’s, she’s done it all, and continues to do it all. And just, you never know where the circumstances are going to lead you.

She’s very much of a free spirit and a very cool person to talk to and I think a really great addition to our conversations here on Off the Grid Biz Podcast.

Gary Collins – The Simple Life

Gary Collins
The Simple Life Guide to Financial Freedom

Episode 012.

What do you want out of life? Distilled down to its simplest form, what would your ideal lifestyle TRULY be?

Gary Collins has lived a wild and unique life. He’s worked in military intelligence, in the U.S. State Department Diplomatic Security Service, in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, as well as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. He has taught at the University College level, consulted and trained college level athletes, and been interviewed for his expertise on various subjects by CBS Sports, Coast to Coast AM, The RT Network, and FOX News to name a few.

He now lives off-the-grid part of the year in a remote area of northeast Washington State, and the other part of year exploring in his travel trailer with his trusty black lab Barney.

Gary is the writer of the best selling Living Off The Grid and The Simple Life book series. His books blow the lid off of conventional life and wellness expectations.

“Today we’re bombarded by too much stress, not enough time for personal fulfillment, and failing to take care of our health… there has to be a better way!”

How can you run your business while living the most fulfilling life possible? Listen now!

Find out more about Gary Collins:

Find out the business events secrets for growing and strengthening ANY company:

Full Transcript

Gary: What I’m teaching is not the norm, challenging. It’s challenging in the sense that it’s more that you have to look inside yourself and go, okay, am I happy?

The statistics say that Americans are not happy. They’re not living the life they want to live.

I was one of those people. And I finally said enough of this. I’m tired of it. I’m going to do something about it. And I did what I did.

It isn’t it perfect for everyone. I just tell you my story.

Podcast Intro: If you’re someone who refuses to go along to get along, if you question whether the status quo was good enough for you and your family.

If you want to leave this world better off than you found it and you consider independence a sacred thing.

You may be a prepper, a gardener, a homesteader, a survivalist, or a farmer or rancher, an environmentalist or a rugged outdoorsman.

We are here to celebrate you whether you’re looking to improve your maverick business or to find out more about the latest products and services available to the weekend rebel.

From selling chicken eggs online, to building up your food storage or collecting handmade soap.This show is for those who choose the road less traveled the road to self-reliance for those that are living a daring adventure life off the grid.

Brian: Gary Collins has a very interesting and unique background and includes military intelligence special agent for the US State Department Diplomatic Security Service, US Department of Health and Human Services, and US Food and Drug Administration.

Collins’s background and expert knowledge brings a much needed perspective to today’s areas of simple living, health, nutrition, entrepreneurship, self help and be more self reliant.

He holds an AAS degree in exercise science, BS in criminal justice and MS in forensic science.

Gary was raised in the high desert at the base of the Sierra Nevada mountain range in a rural part of California. He now lives off the grid part of the year in a remote area of Northeast Washington state and the other part of the year exploring in his travel trailer with his trusty black lab Barney.

He enjoyed and considers himself lucky to have grown up in a very small town experiencing fishing, hunting and anything outdoors from a very young age. He’s been involved in organized sports, nutrition and fitness for almost four decades.

He’s also an active follower and teacher of what he calls life simplification.

He often says today we’re bombarded by too much stress, not enough time for personal fulfillment and failing to take care of our health. There has to be a better way. In addition to being a best selling author, he’s taught at the University of college level, consulted and trained college level athletes and then interviewed for his expertise on various subjects by CBS Sports, Coast to Coast AM, the RT network and Fox News to name a few.

His website Best Selling, Living Off The Grid and The Simple Life Book Series.

His total lifestyle reboot blows the lid off the conventional life and wellness expectations and is considered essential for every person seeking a simpler and happier life.

Gary Collins, welcome to the Off The Grid Podcast.

Gary: Thanks for having me on Brian.

Brian: So why don’t you tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do?

Gary: Well with that great bio, which I did not write, but basically what it says, you know, I grew up in a very small rural town, grew up poor, single wide trailer and wanted to better myself and what I’ve always been exploring life in that sense.

And my journey, I left the government and started a health business. Bought 20 acres off up here in Northeast Washington.

He’s like, Oh, hold on here…all of a sudden the record screeching right and I went Yeah, it’s something I’ve always wanted to do. You know, I grew up very rural, and I’m looking for quiet just to get away. I’m not looking to hold myself up like Ted Kaczynski and right some Manifesto.

I fell in love with area years and years ago and basically did an interview and people asked me what the heck I was up to other host did and I said, well you know, writing a book, or not writing but I’m building a house off the grid.

But you know, just get away just quieter life, easier life, simpler life.

And so it started. I decided to document I got a bunch of emails, asking me about it, how I was doing it, how I found the land.

Gosh, here’s my next book. And I wasn’t really a writer, I still don’t really consider myself a writer.

I mean, I didn’t go to school for English if you couldn’t tell, I’m a dummy. And I’m a math guy. That’s more my thing.

And so kind of document it, wrote it and it took off.

I mean, I guess it was right place right time. And that kind of pushed me off into another direction. I’d written three health books prior in a health program prior to that, but the health books for mainly for clients.

I had a marketing guy who said, Hey, throw them on Amazon. And if you’re an aspiring writer, never just throw something on Amazon. That’s just to give you some good advice. It will be there forever.

Yeah, I look at those things and they’re still sold used.

I took them all off and got rid of them and burned every copy I had even though the content was good, but I didn’t know what I was doing and they’re still out there.

So luckily people still enjoy them. Shockingly enough, even the used version so, you know, they were for clients primarily.

And so this was going off the grid was my first real thought out book. I mean, I had a professional cover done, layout and put some thought into it.

Not that I didn’t put any thought into my other ones but more of the professional or professional looking side of it. It would be the best way to put it and like I said, it just kind of took off and next thing you know, I’m off in a whole nother life direction and everything I was pursuing was life simplification.

Even though I was and still am primarily a health guy, because that’s what I preached for everything right?

But as I kind of moved on, I realized my message was getting a little bit confusing company wise, you know, after working with clients and on the health side and writing blogs and articles and speaking on all that.

I realized I needed to change the direction of the company and basically relaunched it less than a year and a half ago.

So new website new domain, the simple life book series had to come out establishing the brand.

Anyone who’s done this, anyone who owns their own business knows how difficult it is. But if you’re not willing to pivot when you need to, you’re going to suffer and people who are following me or suffering too, and that’s what I noticed is they were confused.

They’re all, What the heck is this guy doing you know, is primal paleo health guy. And then there’s this off the grid book. And, you know, the next book after that was RV living.

And then you know, I had to rebrand so I put out the health book, buttoned it up and put some more stuff in there and changed it around.

But the simple life is what it is. That’s the series.

I’m three books into it. The fourth book is done. I’m going through a different process on this one. So it’s taking a little bit longer, and I’m glad but yeah, and a simple life and then the off the grid stuffs a little bit separate.

I did a book with Mothers Earth News this year. And that’s the workbook for living off the grid.

And then I did a follow up called Living Off The Grid.

Those books, I consider them a little bit separate, even though the simple life pieces all fit within that, but that’s its own series.

And as it unfolds, people kind of…it’s hard when you only have two books out and then you know once a health book once an RV living book and what the heck is this guy doing?

What’s the simple I book series, RVing and a health book, you know, this makes no sense.

As it unfolds, it will make more and more sense. The pieces will all come together.

The next book is financial freedom, The Guide to Financial Freedom.

The book before that was, Decluttering Your Life. Which is the newest book, and the financial freedom one I’m excited about because there’s never been a financial book done this way.

I use all math and basic math and numbers and basically show how the average American is destitute or broke or poor partially by design, but also by us not paying attention.

I’ll take you through growing up as a kid, step by step how the system is set up to take a chunk out of you every step of the way, financially.

And if you’re not paying attention, you end up how we are today, where 60% of Americans don’t even have a retirement savings. They can’t even pay for an emergency.

So we’re in a bad spot financially, even though economically everything looks rosy, the average Americans in a bad place.

And that’s where I kind of go through and I break out the math on how the average American loses money on their house. And people freaked out on that one.

I was on a coast to coast and the lines lit up when I said that, what’s he talking about?

The American dream and I go, Hey, man, I had real estate license for eight years. That was my side hustle. And the government was real estate. So I’m no dummy.

And I’ve owned several properties. So I know how the game works. And not only that, but I own commercial properties too.

Brian: Oh, wow.

Gary: Yeah. And if you don’t understand how the system set up, it’s going to take you and like said, it’s a little peace here, little peace there.

Next thing you know, you’re 25, 30 years old, you’re in debt that you can’t get out of.

You’re literally in a perpetual debt cycle.

That’s how the system set up. So I’m really excited to kind of bring that about. And you know, it’s not a tin hat, or tin foil hat book, don’t get that.

Like said, I prove it all with basic math and show you how the numbers work.

And it ended up being around a million and a half dollars average american will waste during their life, waste get nothing out of, we’re all millionaires, and we just don’t even know it.

And not only that, but I prove, you know, obviously, the minimum wage is a big deal right now.

$15 an hour. And you know, there’s arguments on both sides. And remember, I grew up poor.

I started my first job at 13, making $3 and 35 cents an hour. So Trust me, I know how wages work.

I had a comment someone got on me one time said he has no idea what a living wage is.

No, you need to read my background before you open your mouth. I’m a little blunt sometimes.

So if you’re gonna say something stupid, I’ll let you know that hey, you might want to look into my background before you say something like that.

But average minimum wage is $31,400 a year if you only work 40 hours a week. Well guess what the richest 1% in the world, the line there, it’s moved a little bit. I think it’s now it’s around 34,000 because countries are developing very rapidly, their economies, but our poorest people in this country are considered the richest 1% in the world. Let that sink in.

I mean, that’s why I had to write that financial book. Because I’ve made all the same mistakes, too. Okay.

I’m not perfect at all.

But financially, I’ve realized that compared to most of Americans, I’m lightyears ahead and I didn’t ever considered myself that way. Breaking out the numbers. It was it was eye opening to see where we spend our spend and waste our money. I know I went off on a tangent.

Brian: No, that’s awesome. I mean, that’s right up the alley, I think most of the listeners here when you plan on having that financial freedom book out?

Gary: Of all goes well, six weeks. I just uploaded for the audio version to have a narrated. I don’t do my own narration, people want me to, I just don’t have the time and energy to try and do because then once you start you got to do all your books.

Brian: Yeah.

Gary: So plan to do them hopefully at some point. It’s just right now I can’t it’s too much to add on.

But yeah, it’s done. It’s been edited. It’s all done.

And we’re working on layout right now covers done. It’s very, very close in.

I just think it’s a book that had to be written because it’s not about most financial books are about how to invest right how to create wealth.

Well, I’m saying we already have the wealth. It’s just we’re pissing it away. That’s the problem.

That’s the primary problem.

You can invest if you don’t have any money to invest.

So you have to look at your personal finances first. And I think all of us without investing one dime would be very, very well off.

If we just paid attention to how we spend our money. It’s a consumer economy.

Brian: That’s sounds great.

And people always say, well, if everyone went out and saved all their money and didn’t buy all this useless crap that we tend to buy, well, the economy would implode or just I go, No, it wouldn’t it would change, it would adapt, it would turn into something healthier, something better for all of us.

Businesses would be more mom and pop again.

That’s problem today, too, is consumers is driven by very large companies who have an agenda.

You know, I worked in the health industry, I worked in the biggest health industry in the country, the Health Department of Health and Human Services.

We spend over a trillion dollars a year on health care, and we’re one of the sickest developed countries in the world, let that sink in.

We spend the most money by almost three times the next developed country, and we’re some of the sickest people in the world. So we’re going about it wrong.

And I’ve always said I say this on almost every interview I do. There’s no money in healthy people.

And that’s what you have to understand is I don’t like to rally against people.

Companies I use them too but they’re geared to make us spend money we really shouldn’t be spending making us waste our time on things that we should not be wasting our time on and people who know know what, how my feelings are social media do I use it?

I use it as a tool. I do not use it as something to waste time.

You know, I don’t even use Facebook anymore. I gave that up over a year ago.

I never used it personally that much if at all.

On the business side, I just got sick of the typical why can get this information free?

I can reach out and ask you a question for free. I go no, no, absolutely. Actually, you can’t.

I’m not going to play that game. You know, I run a business just because I run a business doesn’t mean you can just reach out and ask me random questions. Don’t troll me and call me nasty names and that kind of that game. That’s not how it’s supposed to be.

When I grew up, if I want to get in touch with an author, anyone you know, I looked up to I had to write them a letter and I may get a response back. I think I wrote one author a letter when I was a kid, once I’ve never been a celebrity guy could care less.

It’s just, times have changed. It’s instant access to everyone. It’s dysfunctional voyeurism is what I call it.

Focusing on your own life instead of focusing in on others, that’s what you should be doing. And that’s kind of where all this project came from.

I mean, that’s, honestly, in a nutshell, where it came from, is kind of where society’s gone. And I’ve just said enough. Now for the noise. I don’t want to deal with it.

Brian: So you were talking about how your writing process has evolved at where it’s at right now. Do you see yourself writing more books?

Do you enjoy it with where it’s at right now?

Gary: It’s evolved in the sense that I’ve had to learn a lot.

I’m primarily self published and have been, which means you get to make a lot of mistakes that everyone gets to see. So that’s a little rough.

You know, I didn’t go to school for journalism. I had to learn this on the fly.

English is not my strong point far as writing. Like I said, I’m a math guy, I’ve got a scholarship from Bank of America for God sakes. I started off as a mechanical engineer. So trust me, yeah.

And then I end up criminal justice. I always pursuing my love.

Then being a mechanical engineer was not exactly fun.

Brian: Yeah.

Gary: But I realized that in the writing process, it’s just evolved in the sense that I’ve learned more, it’s getting better, I’m getting more more efficient.

I just hired a whole new team for this financial freedom book.

So it’s new editor, new cover guy, new layout. All this is all brand new for this book.

So I’m starting almost starting over and this is pretty common with authors especially self published as you go through these steps and this journey, because there’s no publishing company holding your hand telling you what to do. You just figure it out.

You put a book out and people go, you suck, I hate you.

Or you know, they go I love it, or it’s a split. It’s actually always a split.

You always got a question the books where it’s all five star reviews go you know, on ones that perfect. But also what I write can be considered a little, I wouldn’t say divisive, it’s more of you have to expand your mind and think a little bit wider.

You know, what I’m teaching is not the norm.

Brian: It’s challenging.

Gary: It’s challenging in the sense that it’s more, you know, a little more introspective, that you have to look inside yourself and go, okay, am I happy? The statistics say that Americans are not happy.

They’re not living the life they want to live. I was one of those people. And I finally said enough of this, I’m tired of it. I’m going to do something about it. And I did.

What I did isn’t perfect for everyone. I tell everyone I go, I just tell you my journey. I tell you what I’ve learned the lessons. You know, I spent half my life in the federal government. I’ve been all over the world. I’ve been in the military.

I have some experience.

And I didn’t just come out and have some life altering event as a 20 year old and now I’m a self help guru.

I’m pushing 50 I’ve been around and so I’m just sharing because people wanted to know, so that’s what I did. Trust me, I could make far more money doing something else. But it’s also my life purpose.

Now, I get pleasure out of educating, helping people. People helped me, you know, that’s part of the process too. I get to learn along the way.

I’m always learning. I tell people if you’re not learning or dead.

And that’s another problem we have in society today, people aren’t learning, what they’re learning or what they call learning is just basically garbage in, garbage out. Or getting caught into political tribalism or getting caught into the celebrity vortex.

I call it false prophets.

You go and follow someone you shouldn’t be following who’s giving you really bad advice, but they’re a celebrity.

Well, what are they a celebrity for? Being a celebrity?

I always use the Kardashians, a perfect example. They’re famous for being famous.

That’s not a skill.

That’s just slick marketing and tricking you. The fact that you follow him and you know, the whole thing where she’s gone and gotten people out of prison, has Kim Kardashian.

That’s a that’s great. But the skewed guy in me goes, she’s doing it for PR more than likely.

She may be doing it for a part of it for a good purpose, but also the other purposes.

She wants a camera on her. That’s what she does. That’s why she’s famous.

You know, do you really want to follow those people? Are they making you better?

They teaching you lessons that you can use?

You know, I try and tell people follow someone who you respect. Something that you want to aspire to.

All the people I follow all the people I look up to, I’m trying to better myself and learn the lessons from them. And that’s why our society was based was learning from our peers. Right, right, Brian, that’s basically how we learned everything from our elders.

They were the ones with the wisdom they had the time in, you know, they’d learn the lessons, they share them with us. And today, I’m not seeing a whole lot of that, more of, who has the fanciest marketing campaign who can blow as much smoke up your butt as they possibly can.

In a lot of it’s basically placating to you and telling you what you want to hear.

I call it the telling you….kind of reinforcing what you want as opposed to what you need.

There’s a big difference, you know, I want a Ferrari, do I need a Ferrari?

No, that’s how I look at it. And today, we’ve just kind of lost our way a little bit on that sense.

And the false prophet syndrome is a troubling one, to me.

It’s hard because there’s a lot of people peddling a lot of BS out there, and they sell a lot, you know, they’re multimillionaires, or you kind of go, oh, boy.

And that’s what’s hard about what I teach. Because there I tell people there’s no BS here. It is what it is.

Either you like it or you don’t.

And if you don’t, I’d prefer you not say nasty things and just move on your way because that’s not the way to live your life either.

But that’s another problem we have today too, as people have lashing out at other people that they just don’t agree with or they don’t quite understand. And you see it a lot specially in the on the political side.

And I don’t talk about politics in any of my books. I was there I stood next to some of the most powerful people in the world.

I’ve been in senators and congressman’s office, I’ve heard their private comment, you don’t want to know.

Brian: Yeah.

Gary: Both sides are not on your side. Let’s just put it that way.

And I see people get spun up and waste a lot of energy on that. I’ve done it, trying to get out of that.

That’s basically what I teach. I just teach you to look at life from the perspective of, how can you be better?

You know, how can you treat other people better?

How can you be a better person?

How can you make what’s around you better your family, your friends, your community?

That’s what basically what I teach what the simple life is all about.

Commercial Break: Okay, we’re going to pause the conversation right there. What you’re listening to right now is a special edition podcast. These episodes all have to do with the Mother Earth News fair in Albany, Oregon of 2019.

At the time I’m recording this, we have learned so much about how to take advantage of events and I want you to be able to use this information in your own business. Go to

We are going to be putting out helpful materials on how you can use events to grow your business.

When you go to this page, you will either see our latest programs or if you make it there early enough, you will see an email address, capture page, put in your email address and we will be sure and update you.

As soon as we get these out there, you’re not going to want to miss this.

If you get in early enough, you can get a special deal. These are principles that never go away. These programs will be based on the experience of people who have written books, spoken at the events or exhibited.

They’re talking about how to use events, books, and speaking all to build your business.

That’s and now back to the conversation.

Brian: Fabulous.

You went through so much there, we’re going to have to have you come back sometime. We have more time unpack some of this, cuz there’s a lot of great wisdome there. And a lot there that I think business owners, in genereal face a lot.

And yes, they’re being encouraged to be more in that way of distracting people and playing to the bad side of people and honestly lying to people. And people enjoy being lied to.

And it is I mean, there’s a lot of deep stuff there that that needs to be discussed and talked about.

And it’s great that you’re delivering some of that tough love, that tough truth to people.

It’s a tough road to hoe to get attention that way because you push a lot of people away but you sure I’m certain you draw a lot of people to you because you’re saying things that other people aren’t willing to say.

Gary: Well, that’s part of it.

But I also tell people, if you want to do things right, it’s going to take you 10 times as long to succeed.

That sounds like, kind of a little bit of poop in the punch bowl. But it’s not because doing things right.

It’s not get rich quick. It’s not the fast road. It’s the right road, the right road takes time.

Because as you know, when I started, I didn’t know anything.

I’d been running a business before but as a real estate business, it was a little different. You know, I wasn’t doing a lot of marketing. I wasn’t writing books.

So it was a whole different process.

As I evolved, I had to figure this stuff out. So a supplement line, I’ve had a supplement line I teach, you know, I worked with clients.

The last thing I wanted to do is do any harm to someone.

I was always really, really careful with what I did, what I sold. And to this day, I don’t even advertise my supplement line. People are shocked.

It’s a terrible business model. But my supplement line is to the benefit of my followers. That’s it.

I have the background in it. Everything I sell, everything that’s on there is the best quality I could possibly produce. And it’s things that I’ve used personally and have used with clients that I know that work.

I do not want that stuff coming back on me. I just don’t.

I’m not here just to sell you something. And I think we get caught in that especially as entrepreneurs when people step out, and I wrote a blog post about this and it’s about turning pro being a pro.

And a lot of entrepreneurs I found this that they have their day job and they hate it right?

Just most Americans, I think it’s like 70% say they hate their job.

So they go I’m going to run my own business. And I go Okay, that’s great.

But what have you been doing in the job that you hate?

And they go I hate it. I go, are you screwing off?

Are you blowing time?

What are you doing?

And I have a lot of friends so I know. I let them talk to me I guess what do you do at work all day. I know you don’t like your job and they spend most their time wasting their day figuring out how to not work.

And I’ve seen people do this and they go out and they create their own business but they take within those bad habits.

I go, you have to look at working as a stepping stone.

If you’re going to be an entrepreneur, you’re going to run your own business.

Again, it’s becoming a good follower before you become a good leader.

Well, you have to be a good employee before you can be a good boss. And they go all hand in hand together.

So I go, what you need to do is….even if you hate that job, you have to go there and act like you own that business.

You go in there, you use it as a learning experience. You pick up the tools, you’re going to need to run your own successful business.

And what they do instead of doing that, they go in, they complain, they gaff off their entire day.

There on Facebook, social media screwing around.

Guess what they do when they start their own business. They have no ability to plan their day.

They have no ability to prioritize.

They get caught in all these rabbit holes and vortexes of timewasting, and they can’t figure out why their business fails.

That’s why.

And not only that, but they weren’t. I always say you better have a year savings to live comfortably before you start your own business bare minimum.

Because as we know, to entrepreneurs, it takes three to five years before you know your businesses even going to work.

And everyone just thinks, Hey, man, I watched the Shark Tank.

You know, I watch the Donald Trump show whatever the heck that was…

Brian: The Apprentice, yeah.

Gary: Yeah, there you go.

I thought that was the dumbest show known the man. And they watch that and they think everything’s instant success.

You just fall out of bed one day sit in your bathrobe and you make millions of dollars on the internet.

If you’re a crook, probably.

But if you’re honest, not a chance in the world, not gonna happen.

So it’s about learning in and kind of taking the steps and that’s what I you know, I made a lot of mistakes, but I took it slow.

I got out you know, I worked. I did had jobs in between kind of figured out what the heck I was doing.

You know, didn’t rely purely…and that’s another thing, if you jump out and you’re relying purely on being a business owner and entrepreneur, well, if you gotta feed your family, feed yourself, you’re not quite making it.

Well, human nature makes you start cutting corners and doing things that you probably wouldn’t do otherwise, because now you got to pay the bills on your own.

So that’s where those ethical dilemmas come in.

And I tell people, you know, make sure you don’t get in that position. Because as a former criminal investigator, and I did a lot of white collar investigations, and people will be shocked.

But these were legitimate business owners who you probably are neighbors next to doing very illegitimate things.

And what I found is once you cross that line, it’s over.

There’s no going back, you’re done.

So once you start going that route, what are you going to do, you can try and take a step back or I’m going to be honest now. No, it’s too late.

And not only that, but as an entrepreneur, you have to realize that you depending what you’re doing, you’re causing harm to other people in order for you to benefit.

You’re causing harm to someone else. You’re taking something from I call, it’s just straight out stealing.

If you’re being dishonest.

Yeah, that’s how I kind of look at the the entrepreneur business model. And what I try and teach people is, you know, take it slow, learn, yeah, be patient.

Brian: That’s great advice.

But really important and not said often enough for sure.

The way that I actually found out about you was because you’re going to be a speaker at the Mother Earth News Fair in Albany, Oregon. What are you looking at covering their?

Gary: August third and fourth, Saturday, Sunday in Albany, Saturday from 10am to 11am.

I’ll be doing an introduction to primal living and eating how to live a healthier and happier life.

And Saturday from five to 6pm, I’ll be talking about decluttering your life.

And Sunday 330 to 430, start your journey on the simple life live off the grid and change your health.

I talk about a multitude of subjects and I don’t like being a one trick pony.

I’m a very, I get bored very easily.

So I tend to learn many things, some not so well. But also for people who are coming to realize none of my speaking engagements are the same. I do not run off PowerPoint, PowerPoint, had good presentations in the government and sit through enough of them, it actually makes my eyes glaze over.

I can’t do PowerPoint anymore. So what I do too, is I gauge the audience and their experience level not only with what I do, but the subject matter.

And so I’ll tailor the discussion within the first five minutes to my audience.

I like to keep at least 20 minutes to questions and answers because that’s where we learn the most, I feel is from the questions awesome.

Brian: So have you been to any of these before?

Gary: Yeah, yeah, I’ve been speaking out of all year.

Brian: Oh, fabulous.

Gary: Yeah, I speak at all of them all their fairs on that. So I didn’t do one the one in Asheville, North Carolina because I had another engagement but yeah, speak at all.

Brian: Very cool.

What do you hope that people walk away with? After watching when your presentations, what do you hope they’re going to walk away with?

Gary: You know, it depends.

And that’s why gauge to to see where the audience is primarily in the journey.

Each city’s different each towns different. Each presentation I choose different.

The biggest thing I want people to get away from what I teach is that anyone can do it don’t have to be rich, you don’t have to have any special powers.

The life I live in what I teach others to live is something anyone can do also today in our society, it’s about not waiting for someone to do it for you.

You know what I mean?

We have a lot of expectations that it should just happen. Nothing works that way.

You have to go out there and do it.

And in the lifestyle I live. Trust me it is in the beginning. It is very difficult because there’s you have to basically change everything you do, how you’ve been living your life, and what we’ve been taught and what we follow in society today.

What I live is quite a bit different than that and not not not in a better way, not in a worse way. It’s different.

It’s a different type of lifestyle.

It’s quiet, I like things quiet. I’m getting older. And I don’t like all this noise.

It’s about focusing in on things you can change, not worrying about all this noise around you the things that you can’t change.

So I hope that’s what they get out of it is that anyone can do it and it’s like that financial freedom but prove a very valid point.

Anyone can be a millionaire in this country, anyone.

We still live in the freest…and we got a lot of problems, trust me, we got a lot.

But still, we live in the freest nation in the world.

And I don’t think we’re taking advantage of that instead of getting better.

You know, it seems like we’re getting a little worse. We don’t treat each other very well.

That’s another thing I like to teach too is you be nice. We don’t need to hate on each other.

It’s wasted wasted energy. We should hope that everyone can be successful.

Brian: Awesome, great message.

Now, why are you doing this? What is your highest hope for attending these? And putting on presentations like this?

Gary: It’s teaching. It’s what I do.

And not only that, but public speaking is kind of my strength. It’s what I’m barely good at. I like doing it.

This is the most fun I have the funnest part of my job is interviews in speaking to me. And guess what the two worst things most authors find in their job speaking and doing interviews.

So I’m the opposite.

And not that I don’t like the writing. I actually do like writing. I like the process and and I do enjoy it. Otherwise I wouldn’t do it.

And that’s something people need to learn about me too.

I don’t do things because I have to. I do things because I want to know, does that mean there’s things in there that I don’t like you know, so much that no, I still do them because I got to get them done.

It’s part of the deal. It’s the good, the bad comes with the good here and there. B

But what I choose to do is what I want do.

Brian: Yeah, that that really ties in with your whole philosophy.

I mean, you’re talking about personal freedom.

You’re talking about life simplification, it’s really designing your own lifestyle, right. And sticking to that.

Gary: Absolutely. And that’s the thing too, is that’s why I always emphasize it, hey, just don’t mimic what I do.

It’s your journey. Your journey is specific to you.

I can only give you the pieces that I share.

You take what you want, put it together into into your lifestyle.

Living off the grid is a wide, wide swatch of different types of lifestyles. You talked to someone who lives off the grid and you get a whole group of us together. Everyone does it differently. Everyone.

There’s no template to living off the grid. It’s it’s different philosophies.

It’s different lifestyles, different family situations.

It varies across the board. It’s basically about freedom.

And that’s why I tell people what I teach is your own personal freedom. And understanding that what’s wrong with pursuing the lifestyle you want long as it doesn’t cause any negative impact on anyone else.

That’s how I look at it.

If I’m not causing any harm to anyone who cares, why get wrapped around the axle?

You know, it’s like a good example it this is not do not take this the wrong way, gay marriage, right?

People have very strong beliefs in it and and I just go does it affect you?

And what’s the answer you get?

Well, no.

Then why do you care?

Why do you care?

Why are you getting all spun up on this?

And I just use that example people. Please don’t take that as any religious belief or anything like that.

It’s just a pure example of where people just gets on up on something. And that’s what I teach to is live your life.

Don’t worry about everyone else’s, you know, that’s going to get you nowhere. I’ve done it too, again, I’ve learned lessons from this too.

You know, authors use this as we always talk about compared it is kind of it when you compare yourself against other authors, right?

If you’re an entrepreneur, you’ve compare yourself against other entrepreneurs.

And what it does is it gets you?

Very depressed very quickly.

Because you’re looking at someone who’s doing better than you, right?

You know, are they doing better than me?

Man, their books suck, or, you know, that guy doesn’t auto run a business, what’s going on?

You gotta, yeah, that’ll take you down quick focus on what you can do, how you can improve your life, how you can improve your business.

That’s basically in a nutshell of everything I teach is focus on the things you can focus on. all that other stuff, just a waste of time.

Brian: Great.

We have a lot of listeners that span all the way from people interested in starting a business all the way to seasoned business owners and executives. Do you think it’d be worthwhile for them to do something similar to write books to speak events like the Mother Earth News Fair, would you encourage them?

Gary: Absolutely.

Here’s my attitude. If you’re passionate about something, and there’s something you want to do, do it.

This is your life, and as far as we know, this is it.

We don’t know what’s on the other side.

Again, don’t take that as a religion. I just don’t know.

No one’s come back and told me, you know, once we’re done, we’re done.

And I hope there’s something, I really do. I hope there’s another something on the other side, I really do.

But I live life as a sense of, I don’t know.

So this is the only thing I’ve got that there’s not going to be any reincarnation. I’m not going to know, I don’t know, I’m going to live this life fullest.

And that’s what you should do anyway, even if there was something we knew was on there.

So you still should live it to your fullest.

So sure, but here’s the thing if you do not like public speaking, and you would rather not do it, and it makes you very uncomfortable. Maybe that’s not your thing.

That probably means though that something, you have a strengthen another area.

And I’m not saying don’t focus on weaknesses.

Now, if you have a business model where public speaking is an integral part of it, well, you better get good at it and you better figure it out.

But I never tell people don’t force yourself to do something that you absolutely hate and don’t enjoy.

It’s like physical fitness.

The easiest way to stay physically fit is to do things you enjoy.

That doesn’t mean sitting on the couch twiddling your thumbs picking lint out your belly button eating donuts.

What it means is getting out and if you like swimming, there’s your exercise, go swim.

I like riding bikes, I ride bikes.

That’s the stuff I like to do. I like going hiking. It’s the same thing.

If you’re going to stick with it and do it well do something you enjoy you know don’t force yourself do something.

Yeah, absolutely attest. So yeah, absolutely.

The Mother Earth News Fairs, the speaking, if you’re a speaker, it’s very diverse group of people there and I love it.

The more diverse my audience though. I just enjoy thoroughly, because that’s pretty killer.

Brian: Yeah. Fabulous. So do you have any….you’re attending all of these fairs?

Do you have any logistical tips, especially for someone with a background and traveling and so forth?

Gary: Yeah. Luckily, I’ve traveled a lot in my life for the government.

But it’s been a while. I haven’t done a lot of travel like this in a while.

But I still have my systems flights are tougher today.

It’s when you know, when I was in the government, I could get direct flights coast to coast easy, they’re hard now. And if they exist, they’re pretty expensive.

You know, they’re not cheap.

What I do is I just prepare my day, I have to leave here usually by three in the morning, to get to the airport and be able to get to my destination the day before, because then I speak the day after.

I just plan my workday around a little bit, just fill in that time with something productive. I’ll sleep for the first couple hours on the plane. And then after that, I have my laptop with me. I right. I get work done.

And that’s what I would do. Make sure you’re productive.

Travel, eat healthy, don’t go off the rails taught a lot of that traveling eating.

I always get asked that question, well, when you travel, how do you stay healthy and I go, same way you do at home, you don’t eat the junk, stay away from the garbage.

But obviously, it’s not perfect with that try and I tell people work out as soon as you hit.

That’s one of my things too is I get straight to the hotel and I go, either, you know, if they don’t have a gym, try and see if there’s anything around.

If not just go for a long walk and just walk around there.

Check it out, spend an hour so walking around, get some exercise, get the blood flowing.

And that’s what I recommend to you know, try and stay in a in a healthy routine because people who travel a lot, it’s very easy to get stuck in that travel itis as well.

Where do you just say, ahh screw it? When you eat crap. I’m not going to exercise.

I’ll do it when I get home.

Don’t do that. It makes it a lot easier and actually keeps you sharper, as well.

Brian: Fabulous. So you’re going to be at the Mother Earth News Fair in Albany as well as the ones following that.

Gary: I went home right here. Oh, glad that Topeka, Kansas October 19 20th oh and Seven Springs, Pennsylvania, September 13 and 15th. Those are the last two, after Albany.

Brian: That’s great.

How else can listeners find out more about you and your products and so forth?

Gary: Just go to my website,

Don’t go to the simple life you’ll probably end up at Nicole Richie in Paris Hilton’s website.

I forgot that when I came up with the name but yeah,

I sell all my books on my website.

My supplement line my blog has a ton of information. I’m sold worldwide amazon books are pretty much everywhere digital just started did my first audio book, the guide to RV living is out.

It just came out maybe a week or two ago and audio so I’m starting to do those.

Like I said earlier, the next book will be audio as well. So yeah, you can always find me my websites the easiest. Don’t look for me on Facebook.

Brian: Well, hey, Gary, this was a great conversation. I can’t wait to have you back. Dig more deeper into some of your concepts there. Thanks for coming. Thanks for being on the off the grid biz podcast.

Gary: Oh, thanks for having me on, Brian. I really enjoyed it.

Brian’s Closing Thoughts: Gary Collins, wow!

He’s just full of ideas and concepts. So, so interesting.

Can’t wait to have him back on the show. Like so many others. He’s got just this larger than life character.

He’s a renaissance man. He’s got kind of that no BS attitude that’s very colorful, very earthy.

I don’t mean that in a degrading way at all. I mean, I think it’s really, really cool.

And I think it endorse him to his audience. I love how he says his opinions on everything from celebrities, and discussing people marketing to what you want versus what you need.

I mean, these are concepts that aren’t talked about often enough.

And I think they need to be brought out there. I think we need to dig into some of these ideas.

There just wasn’t enough time to get into it with him.

But I can’t wait to be able to talk to him in the future.

And I love his concept of don’t do what I’m doing. Don’t just follow me and do what I’m doing, go and develop your own lifestyle, and develop the program that you want out of your life and make it happen. That’s inspiring. There’s a whole bunch of points I want to point out here.

One of them is how he creates his content and his energy behind his content.

Just his writing alone. He how he takes the questions from people to be able to create the content that becomes the books in the future and that he is mechanical engineer, I think he said, and he said, I’m not a writer.

I’m not an English major, but you go on He’s got nine different books up there, let alone the ones that he says he’s getting ready to publish.

That shows you you don’t have to be the greatest writer in the world. You don’t have to have an English degree.

It’s all about putting your concepts out there, putting your ideas out there, putting your personality out there, and seeing what people relate to and what they don’t.

I love how he says, All I do is I just tell you my journey.

I’m not saying you have to do it my way. This is just me.

I’m just saying what I’ve done up until now.

That’s very refreshing to because I think a lot of us when we sit down to create content, we sit down to write, or put our ideas out there. We think that we have to be something special, that we have to be something far and beyond.

All you gotta do is just tell people what you’ve done, and let them take it or leave it for themselves. He gets pleasure out of educating out of helping people and that speaking, interviews and writing, those are the things that energize him, he enjoys that and the things he wants to do.

There’s always things that you don’t want to do that you have to do.

But he’s been able to create a life that allows him to also do those things that he loves to do. It’s important to have that in your business. Don’t forget that.

Next I like his mindset hacks is what I call it.

The things that help keep him focused. His whole idea is focus on the things that you can change. Focus on just what you need to focus on. Oftentimes, as entrepreneurs, we let these things escape us, because we get distracted easily, but it’s important to keep these things in mind. Look at how he uses an in terms of social media, he uses it for business, he doesn’t waste time with it.

He doesn’t use it as a time suck in his life. You know, and I think a lot of us can sometimes get sucked into social media instead of using it for what it is and not letting it waste our time.

Also how he says, Be nice hate is wasted energy. It’s a good practical way of looking at the whole idea of getting caught up in politics and all the things of the world.

If you’re hating on something, if you’re getting obsessed about something, it’s wasted energy, just practically it pulls you away from the things that are useful from the ways that you could be helping people through your business.

Finally, I like how he says he doesn’t allow any type of instant access to himself. And he makes reference to the idea that free information is creating kind of entitlement and people out there that people think that they should have all the information for free because so much of it is free out there.

It’s important to stand up to that to put a price on the information that you’re providing out there regardless of whether that’s your main product or not.

One of the things that we promote here constantly and the things that you’ll hear, especially on these interviews regarding the Mother Earth News Fair, is how information has a value. Put a good price on the information that you’re providing and people will respect it more.

You’re going to hear more from an interview later from Christopher and Kirsten Shockey.

Christopher mentions the same concept of about free information. Overall awesome conversation.

I’m making a lot of great friends that I can’t wait to meet in person over at the Mother Earth News Fair in Albany Oregon.

Outro: Join us again on the next Off The Grid Biz Podcast brought to you by the team at, helping successful but overworked entrepreneurs, transform their companies into dream assets.


If you or someone you know would like to be a guest on The Off The Grid Biz Podcast, Those who appear on the show do not necessarily endorse my beliefs, suggestions, or advice or any of the services provided by our sponsor.

Our theme music is Cold Sun by Dell. Our executive producer and head researcher is Sean E Douglas.

I’m Brian Pombo and until next time, I wish you peace, freedom, and success.